When the S pole meets with the N pole,
there comes Energy Innovation. SN
Brand Name
SN Co., Ltd.
Brand Slogan
“The encounter between the S pole and the N pole” means the combination of opposing polarity forces and it represents ‘SN’, the company that specializes in Electric motors/generators that creates innovative energy that has not existed in the world.
By using S and N of SN as the company name, we metaphorically expressed ‘The Energy Development with high-performance and high-efficiency’, and our company creates a new paradigm of energy by playing a role beyond imagination by gathering opposing forces.
Brand Story
When the S pole meets the N pole, that is SN.
We open a new era through the innovation of electric motors and generators.
Like the S and N poles, SN represents our own vision and strong, adventurous spirit by creating explosive energy from two different worlds.
Just as the opposite polarities make much greater strength, We constantly keep exploring new possibilities with our excellent professionality in various fields.
We constantly research and develop our technology of electric motors and generators, and we will realize a bright and sustainable world centered on ESG growth.
As a new standard for energy innovation,
SN will lead the energy’s future.